
Co-Occurring Disorders

Co-occurring disorders refer to having both a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder at the same time. Mental health can be a common underlying cause for substance abuse and vice versa. For this reason, co-occurring disorders are very common. To effectively treat occurring disorders requires a dual-diagnosis facility – meaning they treat each disorder separately but at the same time.

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CBT for Anxiety

Have you ever considered if your anxiety is well-founded? Through challenging anxious thoughts, putting “thoughts on trial,” and examining most likely outcomes one can find that worries, stressors, and other anxiety symptoms can often be reduced to a fleeting thought through empirically supported methods of cognitive-behavioral therapy. Even thoughts that do have clout can easily be surmounted with other techniques implemented with the self. With this guide, one can discover derivatives of this therapeutic battery for self-use in everyday scenarios.

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Online Drug and Alcohol Rehab: Telemedicine

40 million people in America struggle with SUDs but only 1 in 10 find treatment. Often times SUD cases happen in rural areas where treatment isn’t readily available. For many, even if treatment is accessible locationally, it can be difficult to put their family and career on hold for a full treatment period. Here is where telemedicine comes in. Through telemedicine, normally those unable now have access to treatment. Telemedicine for addiction can bridge the treatment gap.

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early trauma in adults

Recovery from Trauma and Addiction

According to SAMHSA, 21.5 million Americans struggle with a substance use disorder, many of whom also struggle with some form of mental health disorder. Science is starting to understand the connections between genetics, mental health, life experiences, and addiction and thus we have become better equipped to help people overcome the challenges they face. Alongside…

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