If you have been looking, you may have noticed there are an extraordinary amount of addiction therapy programs available. Treatment centers, psychiatrists, therapists, mental health counselors. It can be a bit overwhelming. Most people narrow down their lists by searching “rehabs near me” or “therapists near me” and find the first one that accepts their insurance.
Well, there is a better way. Wouldn’t it be terrific if you could access treatment (even partially) in the comfort of your home? On-line therapy provides us with that possibility. But what does it look like in practice– and does it work?
What does online treatment involve?
Online treatment for mental and behavioral health uses digital systems as a way of supplying and/or improving psychiatric therapy (and maybe also pharmacotherapy). Modern technology can be integrated into therapy programs in different methods:
- The most basic form of digital programs involves all the steps of a treatment program with guided, often interactive curriculums, but little to no human-to-human interaction. This is computerized therapy.
- Therapists and doctors can consult with individuals over remote video or phone calls as opposed to seeing them personally. This technique is telemedicine or tele-psychology.
- Treatment programs can incorporate smartphone apps, text messaging, or various other sorts of digital technology within a more traditional setting of therapy. This is computer-assisted or web-assisted treatment.
These techniques are not mutually exclusive, and typically combined and matched to the goals of the program.
Is online therapy useful for people struggling with drug use?
Yes– or rather, promising evidence is beginning to surface for some kinds of on-line therapy. Online therapy has actually been executed in various ways. This suggests that some models might be more or less effective than others, and more or less suitable for your particular needs and preferences.
With that being said, some online methods like electronic therapy and videoconferencing have solid evidence for their usefulness as mental health therapies.[1] In the realm of substance use disorders, numerous studies of online therapies have found that they can effectively help in reducing habit forming behaviors.[2] As an example: One methadone therapy program that included an on-line interactive device was discovered to decrease opioid use more than conventional treatment.[3] Individuals in a study who used a self-help digital cognitive-behavioral therapy program significantly lowered their alcohol use contrasted to those that obtained an educational pamphlet.[4]
What are some advantages of online treatment?
1. Cost
In comparison to the significant price tag typically connected with in-person psychiatric therapy, some types of online treatment like mobile phone apps or text-based therapy can offer more inexpensive options. Electronic therapy has been discovered to be a cost-efficient enhancement to standard therapy for drug use, for both the service provider and the client.[5]
2. Accessibility
There tends to be high demand for in-person treatment programs and inadequate supply. It can hence be easier to start with on-line therapies. Additionally, many individuals find online treatments easier in regards to scheduling and traveling.
3. Choices
What happens if you reside in an area where there simply aren’t many options for providers? Well, online therapies may help solve this dilemna. Online therapies can give you diverse options beyond those in your immediate vicinity.
4. Interaction
Online therapy does not have to be an inferior alternative to in-person therapy– it can make creative use of modern technology to involve patients in ways that merely would not be feasible in typical modalities (such as by making use of fun apps, or offering 24/7 support).
Coalition Recovery offers interactive, evidence-based online addiction therapy personalized to your specific objectives. We have an online educational program available 24/7, and licensed coaches and counselors who can help you through message, phone, or video chats. We likewise provide a Medication Assisted Treatment program for opioid use disorder supplied mostly on-line.
So, if you have an interest in online addiction treatment, why not check us out?
[1] Vallury, K. D., Jones, M., & Oosterbroek, C. (2015 ). Computerized cognitive behavior therapy for anxiety and depression in rural areas: a systematic review. Journal of medical Internet research, 17( 6 ).
Backhaus, A., Agha, Z., Maglione, M. L., Repp, A., Ross, B., Zuest, D., … & Thorp, S. R. (2012 ). Videoconferencing psychotherapy: A systematic review. Psychological services, 9( 2 ), 111.
[2] Gainsbury, S., & Blaszczynski, A. (2011 ). A systematic review of Internet-based therapy for the treatment of addictions. Clinical psychology review, 31( 3 ), 490-498.
[3] Marsch, L. A., Guarino, H., Acosta, M., Aponte-Melendez, Y., Cleland, C., Grabinski, M., … Edwards, J. (2014 ). Web-based Behavioral Treatment for Substance Use Disorders as a Partial Replacement of Standard Methadone Maintenance Treatment. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 46( 1 ).
[4] Riper, H., Kramer, J., Smit, F., Conijn, B., Schippers, G., & Cuijpers, P. (2008 ). Web‐based self‐help for problem drinkers: a pragmatic randomized trial. Addiction, 103( 2 ), 218-227.
[5] Olmstead, T. A., Ostrow, C. D., & Carroll, K. M. (2010 ). Cost-effectiveness of computer-assisted training in cognitive-behavioral therapy as an adjunct to standard care for addiction. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 110( 3 ), 200-207.