A group considers long term rehab centers in florida as they attend long term addiction rehab in tampa, long term rehab in tampa, and addiction aftercare in florida

Where to Find Quality Long-Term Rehab Centers in Florida

A full recovery from a substance use disorder requires long-term care and planning. Since addiction affects virtually every aspect of a person’s life, a treatment that involves only detox and therapy may not be enough. The client may have to adjust to chronic health conditions or relearn vital life skills to reconnect with society again.…

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young adults and drug abuse

Young Adults and Drug Abuse

Substance abuse and young adults represent an unfortunate pairing that is currently causing concern in the public health community. Two out of five in this age group self-report using illicit drugs, one in seven has a substance use disorder and approximately 1% of all young adults abuse opioids. Nearly 5% of the country’s young adult…

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