relapse prevention through continuing care

Relapse Prevention Through Continuing Care

Most often, individuals suffering from addiction also suffer from some manner of co-occurring disorder such as depression or anxiety. For this reason, a professional drug rehabilitation center like Coalition Recovery will offer behavioral therapies to dive deep into how an individual thinks, why they think this way, and dissect behavioral habits such as how they…

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advantages of meditation

8 Powerful Advantages of Meditation

What is Meditation Individuals have practiced meditation since antiquity. Some of the earliest written records of meditation (Dhyana) come from the Hindi traditions of Vedantism around 1500 BCE. The aim of meditation is reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and pain, and increasing peace, perception and wellbeing. To meditate, an individual focuses their mind on a particular…

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preventative treatment

Preventative Treatment Towards Addiction

Patients at Coalition Recovery are not your stereotypical “addict”. Many have realized their action or actions could potentially lead them to something more serious. They have come to Coalition Recovery to dissolve any of these feelings before their actions escalate. The general population believes treatment centers are exclusively reactive measurements, whereas at times they can…

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