person sitting on stairs anxious about naloxone

The Naloxone Guide

Each day, individuals save lives by administering naloxone to those that have overdosed on opioids. As of today, Naloxone is an essential tool used by first responders in cities across the country. Even some communities offer free kits containing easy-to-use naloxone spray called Narcan. Naloxone is the go-to drug for people on the front-lines of the opioid epidemic but it is also an important contributor to medication-assisted therapy.

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mindfulness based treatment banner with rocks

Mindfulness in Addiction Recovery

Mindfulness is one of the most fundamental practices learned in addiction recovery. It involves awareness of ones self and thoughts through a nonjudgmental lens to assess the present moment. Mindfulness has been shown to promote a variety of benefits, most of which are lacking during active addiction. Learn the power of mindfulness and ways in which you can utilize this practice on your own – building self-reliance and resilience.

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How Effective is Medication Assisted Treatment?

Medication Assisted Treatment or Medication Assisted Therapy is the use of medications alongside psychotherapies like CBT. MAT is an evidence-based therapy meaning it has been researched and been shown to be effective for the treatment of substance abuse treatment; but how effective is it?

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What Is Tapering?

Tapering is the process of slowly decreasing the amount of the drug being taken over time. This process helps the body adjust to the loss of the drug overtime, decreasing the severity of cravings and withdrawal symptoms. By limiting these two factors, tapering allows a person to safely and comfortably rid the body of unwanted substance while also minimizing potential relapse.

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CBD for Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment

WHAT IS IT? Cannabidiol—CBD— is a chemical that makes up one of the 113 cannabinoids discovered in cannabis plants. It was discovered in 1940 and is considered a phytocannabinoid – meaning it triggers cannabinoid receptors located throughout the body. These receptors are responsible for a variety of physiological processes including appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory.…

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Suboxone: A Tool for Recovery

What is Suboxone? Suboxone is a prescription medication used to treat opioid addiction. Alongside counseling and therapy, Suboxone treatment can be a useful tool and is shown to increase the chance of success. It is made up of both buprenorphine and naloxone with the purpose to curb withdrawal symptoms and minimize the effects of opioids.…

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amino acid therapy

Amino Acid Therapy

Amino acids are essential to the human body and perform a variety of vital functions. They are the basis of all life processes as they are needed for all metabolic processes. Amino acid replacement therapy is a therapeutic approach to addiction treatment that utilizes these important building blocks to help those in recovery heal. At…

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Naltrexone (Vivitrol)

With the opioid crisis damaging more and more lives year after year, researchers are continually trying to find the answer. Preventative measures are significant for the long-term, but trying to solve this problem today, we need to look for solutions for people currently suffering from addiction. Counseling and therapy are suitable measures to help these…

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