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What is a Functioning Alcoholic?

We often think of alcoholics as individuals who have lost their jobs, family, and friends; however an estimated 1/5 of individuals with alcohol use disorders are defined as “functioning alcoholics,” meaning they still function within their career and social life. Learn how you can recognize these behaviors and the negative effects it can still have.

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What Are the Most Effective Addiction Therapies

What Are the Most Effective Addiction Therapies?

For a full recovery from addiction, a combination of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and evidence-based therapies (EBT) is best. While the medications help hasten the detox process, addiction therapy programs can treat any underlying issues and co-occurring disorders, guiding the client to health, wellness, and sobriety. Are you or a loved one struggling with addiction? If…

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Inpatient vs. Outpatient Treatment: Which One is Right For You?

The idea of rehab can be a difficult one. Having to admit you or a loved one has a problem can be challenging, uncomfortable, and confusing. To make things more difficult are the variety of levels of care provided by rehabilitation centers. So, in an effort to help you make the most informed decision, we will go over the differences between inpatient and outpatient treatment and which ones best suit your specific needs.

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