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We provide the support you need to rebuild your life.

Reach out to our team today at 888.707.2873.

woman at an addiction education programAt Coalition Recovery, we believe in the importance of addiction education. Whether you are struggling with addiction yourself or are supporting a loved one on their journey to recovery, the more you know about substance abuse, the better.

We invite you to learn more about some of the most commonly abused substances as well as mental health issues that can exacerbate addiction.

To learn more about Coalition Recovery’s treatment programs, reach out to our team today at 888.707.2873. Our team of addiction specialists, therapists, and counselors is ready to help you or your loved one take back your life from substance abuse.

Our Treatment Programs

We offer a wide range of treatment options for individuals struggling with substance abuse. These include specialized programs for alcohol, prescription drugs, opioids, benzos, stimulants, and meth. In addition, we provide treatment options that are tailored to the experiences of certain individuals, including:

  • Professionals rehab program
  • Student rehab program
  • Military rehab program
  • Young adults rehab program
  • LGBT rehab program

Our approach to treatment includes both evidence-based therapies and medical care. For many individuals, medication-assisted treatment is invaluable in helping them during the challenging early days of recovery. Medications like Suboxone can curb cravings and relieve painful or uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms which can lead to relapse. Many individuals use medications long-term to help them maintain sobriety.

Evidence-based therapies include cognitive-behavioral therapy, accelerated resolution therapy, amino acid therapy, and more. These help individuals in recovery work through the underlying causes of addiction and develop healthy coping skills. At Coalition Recovery, we use these therapies as part of a comprehensive treatment program that might also incorporate yoga, 12 step meetings, recreation and outings, and nutrition education. We believe that recovery from addiction has to involve the whole person. By helping our clients heal in both body and mind, we promote lasting sobriety.

Addiction Education and More: Contact Coalition Recovery Today

Learn about the history behind the opioid epidemic, the dangers of alcoholism, and the rise of stimulant abuse at Coalition Recovery. Armed with the right information, you can make the decision to enter a treatment program that could change your life. Whether you are struggling with an addiction to alcohol, opioids, prescription drugs, or another substance, our compassionate treatment team can help. With both telehealth and in-person options, you can find a treatment program that fits your needs. Calling Coalition Recovery today is a courageous first step towards a bright new future.

Find out what sets Coalition Recovery apart. Contact us today by calling 888.707.2873 or reaching out online and discover life without substance abuse.