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At Coalition Recovery, we offer a wide variety of resources and evidence-based therapies to help individuals overcome their struggles with alcohol or drug abuse disorders. One of the resources that we offer is nutrition and wellness therapy. A nutrition and wellness program can help our patients acquire knowledge of food and diet so that they can provide their bodies with the nutrients necessary for health.
There are a few key things that every person needs to live. We need these things so that our bodies and minds can function optimally, making them necessary for our very survival. Food is an essential part of our survival, but as many of us recall learning in grade school, it’s more than just eating any food that we come across. Our bodies require very specific types of food to meet our needs. That’s where nutrition comes into focus.
According to the simplest definition, nutrition refers to obtaining or providing the foods necessary for growth and overall health. Due to the role that food plays in virtually all of the body’s systems and functions, nutrition is an increasingly important resource from a therapeutic perspective. In fact, many types of therapies for a wide variety of afflictions incorporate some level of focus on nutrition, including treatment for substance abuse and addiction.
The various hormones in our bodies are frequently regulated by the food that we eat, so when we need more or less of a hormone, this is often easily achieved by adjusting one’s diet. Understanding the role of nutrition for overall wellness is easiest when you consider the effects that unhealthy foods can have on the body. The intake of these high-fat foods cause an imbalance in the blood, particularly with hormones, and trigger such symptoms as unstable and unpredictable changes in emotions. Likewise, foods that are high in sugar are known to cause mood imbalances and negatively affect mental insight and clarity. In short, the brain functions at a much lower level when an individual consumes a diet that is high in fat and sugar, which have been directly linked to things like heart disease and diabetes. Limiting or ceasing the intake of high-fat or unhealthy foods can cause significant changes in both mood and behavior.
Over decades of research on substance abuse disorders and addiction, we have learned that nutrition can be hugely influential to an individual’s recovery for many reasons. Some of the benefits of a nutrition and wellness program include:
Restoration of mental and physical health
Decrease of withdrawal
Mitigation of behavioral disorders
At Coalition Recovery, we recognize that not all individuals have the same recovery needs. However, being that addiction is a disease that can disrupt the chemical and hormonal balance of the body and mind, we encourage our patients to learn more about their nutrition needs so as to ensure that their recoveries are as successful as possible. If you or someone you love would like to learn more about the nutrition and wellness programs we offer or for more information about our other treatment programs, either complete our confidential online form or call Coalition Recovery today at 888.707.2873.