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If you have bipolar disorder, you might be at a higher risk of developing a substance use disorder. There’s a complex relationship between environmental and biological factors that contribute to co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders. In our bipolar disorder thwoman suffers from bipolar disorder erapy program, you can receive the care you need to regain mental and physical well-being. Coalition Recovery in Tampa Bay offers several dual diagnosis treatment programs tailored to your particular challenges.

Connect with our team today at 888.707.2873 to learn more about the evidence-based therapies we offer for bipolar disorder and other co-occurring mental health issues.

What Is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by unpredictable mood swings. For example, bipolar disorder can cause emotional highs and corresponding lows. During depressive episodes, you may feel hopeless, lost, and isolated. When your mood shifts, you may feel full of energy and joy. Fortunately, medication and therapy can help you keep your bipolar disorder under control.

If you have bipolar disorder, you have a much greater risk of also developing an alcohol or drug use disorder. There are many factors that come into play when it comes to developing co-occurring addictions with bipolar disorder. Often, those with mental health conditions turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to self-medicate or numb their pain.

Above all else, it’s critical to seek professional care if you suspect that you or someone you love has bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder treatment can help prevent suicide, psychosis, and self-harm during a manic or depressive episode.

Substance Use and Bipolar Disorder

For these co-occurring conditions, you need therapy and medication to get well. Your therapist can help you uncover trauma and other factors contributing to your disorder. However, bipolar symptoms derive from a biological imbalance in your brain. Therefore, taking your prescribed medication can help prevent a relapse.

Mood stabilizers can effectively treat the symptoms of bipolar disorder and help you level out your moods. People sometimes go off their medication when they feel better. However, you have a high probability of having manic or depressive episodes if you skip doses of your medication. Using drugs or alcohol can trigger manic episodes, lead to self-destructive behavior, and throw off your brain chemistry.

Bipolar Disorder Therapy Program at Coalition Recovery

As part of our comprehensive bipolar disorder treatment, Coalition Recovery in Tampa Bay, FL, offers mental health treatment as well as evidence-based substance use treatment modalities. Work with our experienced and caring therapists to recognize triggers and learn new behavior patterns that don’t put your health and well-being at risk.

Our clients explore personal trauma and potential challenges in various therapy programs that may include the following:

  • Medication-assisted treatment (MAT)
  • Evidence-based therapies
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Accelerated resolution therapy (ART)
  • Yoga therapy

Our integrated approach to treatment incorporates medical and therapy-based approaches. You will also get an opportunity to interact with other clients in group therapy. This opportunity lets you learn from others who are further along in the program and help newer clients open up to their peers.

If you have bipolar disorder, you may feel that nothing can help you reach equilibrium. However, the moment you walk through the doors of Coalition Recovery, you realize that you are no longer alone. Instead, you gain an entire staff dedicated to your long-term recovery.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Tampa Bay

Talk to our excellent admissions staff to find out which programs can provide the most effective bipolar disorder treatment for you. Coalition Recovery has an advanced aftercare program designed to give you many options for continuing recovery support. So, find out how you can receive mental health treatment as well as substance abuse recovery support at our Tampa Bay facility. Contact us at 888.707.2873, or contact us online today to enroll in a dual diagnosis treatment program and begin the journey back to wellness.