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person at an evidence-based therapy programEvidence-based therapies for addiction treatment involve the use of treatment methods that have been shown to be effective through scientific study. These therapies have been tested, widely implemented, and proven to be useful for treating substance use disorders.

At Coalition Recovery, we incorporate evidence-based therapies into our personalized treatment plans. Every individual in recovery is unique, and their path to sobriety will require a unique approach. By utilizing a wide variety of therapies, we can meet the needs of each of our clients. From cognitive-behavioral therapy to wellness programs, our treatment methods treat the whole individual.

Learn more about our addiction treatment programs, therapies, and more by contacting Coalition Recovery at 888.707.2873 today.

Benefits of Addiction Treatment Therapies

For those who struggle with addiction to drugs or alcohol, detox programs are only the first step on the journey to recovery. While getting the substance out of your system is an important part of the recovery process, breaking the physical bonds of addiction doesn’t solve the underlying problem.

Addiction is a chronic condition, and for many, recovery involves a lifelong commitment to sobriety. These therapies can help you work through the issues that might have caused or exacerbated substance abuse. In some cases, the therapies we offer can provide healthy outlets for stress, grief, and other negative emotions.

Additionally, many of those who struggle with addiction also face mental health issues. This is known as a dual diagnosis, and this situation requires a targeted approach to treatment. The evidence-based therapies we offer are designed to treat both substance use disorders and mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and PTSD at the same time. Without addressing these co-occurring disorders, those in recovery could struggle to stay sober after leaving treatment.

Learn More About Evidence-Based Therapies at Coalition Recovery

In all of our treatment programs, clients take part in therapies that help them work through the underlying causes of addiction. The treatment programs we offer include:

  • Alcohol rehab program – Recover from alcoholism and develop new healthy habits
  • Drug rehab program – Those who are struggling with opioids, prescription medications, stimulants, or other drugs can find help and healing
  • Detox program – Our team can help you safely detox and build a foundation for recovery
  • Telehealth rehab program – Flexible treatment options for those who cannot attend in-person treatment
  • Dual diagnosis treatment program – Mental health and addiction treatment in the same program
  • Intensive outpatient program – Designed to help our clients achieve lasting sobriety
  • Intervention program – If your loved one is struggling, we can help them access treatment
  • Holistic recovery program – We’ll help you heal in body and mind

Don’t hesitate to reach out today. Contact Coalition Recovery at 888.707.2873 to learn more.