
In-Network (HMO) BCBS (FloridaBlue) Provider in Tampa, Florida

Coalition Recovery has added yet another insurance provider to our in-network list: Blue Cross Blue Shield. By becoming an in-network provider with Blue Cross Blue Shield, we have met their criteria for quality standards and as a result are able to offer evidence-based treatments at the most affordable rate available to individuals covered through Blue Cross Blue Shield.

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mindfulness banner

The Power of Mindfulness

The concept of mindfulness can be simple, yet profound. Mindfulness is the ability to be totally present in the given moment. Your mind is totally focused on and appreciative of the given moment that you find yourself in, without allowing your thoughts to linger on topics that would otherwise distract you from your current state. There are seemingly innumerable ways to practice mindfulness, and varying descriptions of how to increase your level of presence, but one thing is certain: Everyone has the ability to be mindfully present in the given moment.

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early trauma in adults

Recovery from Trauma and Addiction

According to SAMHSA, 21.5 million Americans struggle with a substance use disorder, many of whom also struggle with some form of mental health disorder. Science is starting to understand the connections between genetics, mental health, life experiences, and addiction and thus we have become better equipped to help people overcome the challenges they face. Alongside…

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