a woman enjoys holistic recovery in tampa by attending a holistic program for addiction recovery at a holistic recovery program in tampa florida

Important Qualities of a Holistic Recovery Program

Addiction recovery may take different paths for different people. In addition to detox and counseling, most quality rehab facilities provide a range of holistic treatment options to improve the client’s overall well-being. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, then Coalition Recovery’s holistic recovery program might bring help and relief. A holistic…

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During an evidence-based therapies overview a therapist discusses evidence-based therapy for addiction in florida and evidence-based therapy in tampa

An Overview of Evidence-Based Therapies

Therapy is a vital part of addiction treatment and recovery. There are multiple therapies currently available, each with unique benefits and practices whose efficacy has been scientifically proven. When we combine evidence-based treatments alongside holistic therapy options tailored to the client’s needs, they are more likely to achieve long-term recovery. If you or a loved…

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woman explains the benefits of PHP

Are Partial Hospitalization Programs Effective?

Partial hospitalization programs (PHP) are often recommended by healthcare professionals. A PHP for addiction treatment provides intensive care and support to the client, without requiring them to stay overnight at the facility. As a result, PHPs are cheaper and more convenient for those with family and work obligations. If you or a loved one is…

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woman seeking recovery in a non 12 step program

Addiction Treatment That’s Not 12-Step

Addiction treatment and recovery isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Several popular treatment models, such as the well-known 12-step program developed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) may not work for everyone or match a diverse set of lived experiences. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, then Coalition Recovery’s non-12-step programs can provide immediate help…

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man in remote addiction rehab

5 Benefits of Remote Addiction Rehab

The lockdowns and social distancing procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic have made it difficult for people to travel to healthcare facilities such as inpatient rehab centers to cope with their addictions. However, it increased the popularity of online rehab programs and telehealth services that have been proven to be equally effective in addiction treatment. If…

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family gets therapy for addiction

3 Advantages of Family Therapy for Addiction

Addiction affects not just the individual but also the family and social circle. Family therapy for addiction treatment is often a vital part of the recovery process, allowing the client to address deep-seated issues, rebuild relationships with loved ones, and reconnect with the world at large. Often strained relationships and childhood trauma can give way…

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woman gets telehealth services

Advantages of Telehealth Services During COVID

Since the pandemic began, telehealth services have risen in popularity. Patients can now consult doctors over a phone or video call, receive prescriptions, and check in on their recovery progress without risking a visit to the clinic. Telehealth services have successfully treated numerous COVID-positive patients, but they can also be effective in addiction treatment. If…

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man recovers during men's recovery month

June: Men’s Recovery Month

Every June, we join other health and wellness providers in recognizing Men’s Recovery Month. We encourage clients and alumni of Coalition Recovery’s men’s addiction recovery program to promote acceptance of substance use disorders as a mental health concern. By detaching the stigma associated with addiction, you can help clear the way for acceptance so that more men…

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