woman seeking recovery in a non 12 step program

Addiction Treatment That’s Not 12-Step

Addiction treatment and recovery isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Several popular treatment models, such as the well-known 12-step program developed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) may not work for everyone or match a diverse set of lived experiences. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, then Coalition Recovery’s non-12-step programs can provide immediate help…

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woman gets telehealth services

Advantages of Telehealth Services During COVID

Since the pandemic began, telehealth services have risen in popularity. Patients can now consult doctors over a phone or video call, receive prescriptions, and check in on their recovery progress without risking a visit to the clinic. Telehealth services have successfully treated numerous COVID-positive patients, but they can also be effective in addiction treatment. If…

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man recovers during men's recovery month

June: Men’s Recovery Month

Every June, we join other health and wellness providers in recognizing Men’s Recovery Month. We encourage clients and alumni of Coalition Recovery’s men’s addiction recovery program to promote acceptance of substance use disorders as a mental health concern. By detaching the stigma associated with addiction, you can help clear the way for acceptance so that more men…

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woman gets trauma therapy

The Importance of Trauma Therapy Before Recovery

Experiencing trauma can cause anxiety and panic attacks years after the original event. Sexual assault, active combat, violence, and accidents are examples of events that may require trauma therapy to work through. Avoiding treatment can lead to self-medication via drugs and alcohol. At Coalition Recovery in Tampa Bay, FL, we offer dual diagnosis programs aimed…

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The Best Ways To Improve Your Mental Health During Recovery

Drug and alcohol addiction takes a significant toll on your health and mental wellbeing. It may make it very hard for you to deal with stress even if you’ve broken through your dependence. You should always work to improve mental health during recovery because doing so can significantly reduce your chances of relapse. At Coalition…

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