A man at a computer considers a drug rehab in florida and drug addiction treatment in tampa as he researches a drug rehab center in florida and a drug rehab in tampa

Are All Drug Rehabs in Florida the Same?

Drug rehabs in Florida are not all the same. They provide diverse and different treatment models, therapies, and varying levels of aftercare. Since addiction recovery is different for everyone, you should choose a drug rehab program that aligns with your unique needs and wellness goals. While a typical drug rehab center in Florida provides a…

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holistic recovery

What is Holistic Recovery?

Addiction recovery looks different for everyone. In addition to medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and evidence-based therapies (EBT), healthcare experts are now recommending holistic therapy and alternative treatment plans to successfully treat clients and help them live fuller lives. If you or a loved one is struggling with a substance use disorder, call Coalition Recovery today at…

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a woman enjoys holistic recovery in tampa by attending a holistic program for addiction recovery at a holistic recovery program in tampa florida

Important Qualities of a Holistic Recovery Program

Addiction recovery may take different paths for different people. In addition to detox and counseling, most quality rehab facilities provide a range of holistic treatment options to improve the client’s overall well-being. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, then Coalition Recovery’s holistic recovery program might bring help and relief. A holistic…

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woman gets addiction treatment without stigmas

Addiction Treatment Without LGBTQ Stigmas

Unfortunately, individuals who are part of the LGBTQ community have relatively high rates of substance abuse and addiction. This demographic may also worry about discrimination at potential addiction recovery centers. At Coalition Recovery in Tampa, FL, we have a tailored LGBTQ addiction recovery program where clients receive treatment in a supportive environment. If you or…

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mindfulness banner

The Power of Mindfulness

The concept of mindfulness can be simple, yet profound. Mindfulness is the ability to be totally present in the given moment. Your mind is totally focused on and appreciative of the given moment that you find yourself in, without allowing your thoughts to linger on topics that would otherwise distract you from your current state. There are seemingly innumerable ways to practice mindfulness, and varying descriptions of how to increase your level of presence, but one thing is certain: Everyone has the ability to be mindfully present in the given moment.

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