Vyvanse vs. Adderall

The Difference Between Vyvanse Vs. Adderall

Have you heard of “study drugs” that students use to enhance their alertness and focus while doing schoolwork? Adderall and Vyvanse are common study drugs, which results in many young adults suffering addiction issues. To combat the problem, many addiction treatment facilities offer Adderall and Vyvance rehab programs. Drugs like Adderall and Vyvanse are typically…

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Man experiencing signs of cocaine abuse

Signs of Cocaine Abuse

Considering a cocaine addiction treatment program is the first step toward recovery. Once you or someone you care about has admitted that they’re struggling with addiction, the path to recovery appears and the only way to go is forward. If you’re searching for a cocaine addiction treatment program in Florida, reach out to Coalition Recovery…

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man who is a high functioning alcoholic thinking

What Exactly Is a Functioning Alcoholic?

Drinking at social events is so normalized in our culture that we do not notice the signs of alcoholism until it is too late. “Functioning alcoholism” is a colloquial term often used to describe those who are secretly struggling with alcohol addiction, but outwardly appear to live normal, productive lives with an active social circle.…

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woman who's addiction to Xanax makes her think

What Are the Symptoms of Xanax Withdrawal?

Xanax is a common tranquilizer drug, usually prescribed in the treatment of anxiety disorders. However, like with many prescription medications, the body may quickly develop a tolerance to it, leading to misuse and addiction. Quitting on one’s own isn’t safe, as it can heighten one’s anxiety and physical discomfort and in certain cases, may even…

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