Fentanyl abuse

Dangers of Fentanyl Abuse

The U.S. is currently in the middle of an opioid epidemic, and this class of drugs includes both prescription pain medications and illegal substances like heroin. However, there’s one type of opioid that’s both — pharmaceutical fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that’s typically prescribed for extreme pain from cancer, as it’s up to 100 times…

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A depiction of commonly abused opioids

Commonly Abused Opioids

Opioids have high addiction potential, and long-term opioid abuse can be incredibly disruptive, dangerous, and even life-threatening. Whether the problem is prescription opioids or illicit ones, the ideal path forward should lead to getting professional help. A treatment program consisting of evidence-based and holistic forms of therapeutic care can increase the chances of successful addiction…

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online opioid treatment

Is Online Opioid Treatment Effective?

In recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the usefulness of telehealth as a format for addiction treatment. In a telehealth rehab program, you go through treatment online instead of in person. This approach takes advantage of the benefits of today’s remote communications technologies. Can online treatment play a significant part in effective opioid rehab?…

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man considers how opioid addiction starts

How Opioid Addiction Starts

Opioid addiction claims the lives of thousands of people every year. There are many side effects associated with using opioids recreationally or counter to a physician’s instructions. We hope that by understanding how opioids affect your brain and body, you can prevent addiction for yourself or someone you love. If you need help, you can turn…

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timeline of opioids

The Historical Timeline of Opioids

During the end of 2017, the white house declared a state of emergency on opioids. How did we get here? According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, opioids consist of the illegal drug heroin, synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, and pain relievers available legally by prescription, such as oxycodone (OxyContin®), hydrocodone (Vicodin®), codeine, morphine,…

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