Sober Spaces in College
Sober spaces are areas, whether living facilities or communities, where students can feel comfortable without worrying about peer pressure or safeguarding their recovery.
Sober spaces are areas, whether living facilities or communities, where students can feel comfortable without worrying about peer pressure or safeguarding their recovery.
One in eight Americans suffers from alcohol addiction. Of the 20.6 million adults who suffer from an alcohol use disorder, less than 10% seek treatment. Interestingly enough, financials and availability are rarely the problems; instead, almost 96% of people who fail to seek treatment for alcohol addiction do so because they believe they do not…
The casual drink has become the norm for most people today. Whether they go out to a sit-down restaurant or cook a nice state dinner, it’s unusual not to see a glass of wine next to the plate. It helps liven up the conversation, it “pairs nicely,” and some even say it could be good…
Holidays can be a challenging time for those of us in recovery. Learn how you can properly navigate these times and allow yourself to fully appreciate these moments. Holidays should be a time of love and happiness, not fretting about relapse.
Alcohol Alcohol is a depressant which means it inhibits the central nervous system (CNS). This essentially impairs physical and psychological activity. CNS depressants like alcohol reduce brain activity and awareness by blocking messages from nerve receptors to the brain; this changes a person’s judgments, perceptions, movements, emotions, and senses. Alcohol is made through the process…