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What Is Tapering?

Tapering is the process of slowly decreasing the amount of the drug being taken over time. This process helps the body adjust to the loss of the drug overtime, decreasing the severity of cravings and withdrawal symptoms. By limiting these two factors, tapering allows a person to safely and comfortably rid the body of unwanted substance while also minimizing potential relapse.


Online Drug and Alcohol Rehab: Telemedicine

40 million people in America struggle with SUDs but only 1 in 10 find treatment. Often times SUD cases happen in rural areas where treatment isn’t readily available. For many, even if treatment is accessible locationally, it can be difficult to put their family and career on hold for a full treatment period. Here is where telemedicine comes in. Through telemedicine, normally those unable now have access to treatment. Telemedicine for addiction can bridge the treatment gap.