
Outpatient Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation

You might not think of outpatient care when you think of addiction treatment, but outpatient rehabs can be a great way to continue treatment therapy long after inpatient (or residential) treatment is finished. Outpatient rehabs can also be a good option for individuals with busy lifestyles like working professionals, parents, and students. Learn more about outpatient rehabs here…

bi polar disorder blog banner

Bipolar Affective Disorder and Addiction Treatment

Bipolar-disorder is a mental health condition affecting around 2.6% of the adult U.S. population. This type of disorder is more common within individuals with substance use disorders. To effectively treat both of these co-occurring disorder requires a tailored treatment approach. Learn more about the connection of bi-polar disorders and addiction.

implications of codependency

Implications of Codependency

Do you exist without the presence of your family, loved one, or significant other? What can you say about your identity that has no relation to them whatsoever? Are you truly your own person? Non-codependent relationships involve healthy people who exist and have value without predetermined notions from the relationship attributing to such value. Learn how to combat this unhealthy type of relationship through establishing love, value, and ultimately, identity for the self.