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We provide the support you need to rebuild your life.

Reach out to our team today at 888.707.2873.

man at a young adults rehab programGraduating high school, starting college, and working your first job is a time of many changes. Young adults become independent for the first time in their lives. For many, without the restrictions and guidance they are used to, it can be difficult to maintain healthy habits. Students may be tempted to use their newfound freedom in unproductive and unhealthy ways like staying up late, staying home instead of going to class, and even drinking and partying. College students and young adults also have greater access to drugs today than in the past. With this availability comes a greater risk of young adults developing addictive behaviors during their college years.

At Coalition Recovery, we offer specialized treatment programs for young adults and a student rehab program specifically designed for the unique challenges young adults face. Whether you or a loved one are struggling with alcohol, prescription drugs, or another type of substance use disorder, our treatment programs can help. Contact Coalition Recovery at 888.707.2873 to learn more.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Young Adults

Coalition Recovery offers dual diagnosis treatment, meaning we are able to handle co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. Many young adults use alcohol and drugs to cope with the constant stressors faced in school and at work. Sometimes, these stressors can be a part of a larger problem like anxiety or depression. By treating both the substance use disorder alongside other mental health issues like depression, anxiety, or trauma, we are able to fully treat the individual as a whole. Without the proper treatment of these common mental health concerns, you cannot fully treat addiction.

Common mental health concerns for college students and young adults include anxiety, depression, and ADHD. Students will be able to meet regularly with our psychiatrist, Dr. Barnett. Dr. Barnett is board-certified in addiction, general, forensic, and geriatric psychiatry. She has years of experience working with adolescents and young adults. She will be able to map out each student’s biopsychosocial attributes to determine if medication is necessary. Understanding the nature of addiction, she can prescribe medications that will not only help them with their mental health but provide medication options that are non-abusive.

Contact Coalition Recovery

To learn more about our young adults rehab program, reach out to our team today. Taking this first step can be an invaluable investment in your future. Contact us at 888.707.2873 or online to begin the admissions process and to take back your life.