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Opiate Rehab ProgramOpiate addiction plagues communities throughout the U.S., affecting people from all walks of life. Individuals from all backgrounds have been impacted by opiate addiction.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that opiate overdoses have quadrupled since 1999. In particular, deaths from fentanyl and other synthetic opioids have skyrocketed in recent years. This is a major public health concern, as opiate addiction can lead to a wide range of serious health problems.

Opiate addiction often starts with a legitimate prescription for pain relief. However, the body quickly builds up a tolerance to opiates, leading people to take more and more of the drug to achieve the same effect. This can lead to dangerous health consequences, including respiratory depression, coma, and even death.

If you or a loved one is struggling with opiate addiction, an opiate rehab program can help. At Coalition Recovery, we offer comprehensive addiction treatment programs to help those with opiate addiction heal. Through counseling, 12-step meetings, and personalized treatment plans, our clients can rebuild their lives in recovery.

If you’re ready to learn more about treatment programs for opiate addiction, reach out to our team today at 888.707.2873.

What Leads to Opiate Addiction?

Those in recovery from cancer treatment or surgery can be in a lot of pain. Opiates provide potent pain relief, which is why they became a popular choice among doctors. Drugs like oxycodone or hydrocodone might have been prescribed to patients to ease severe pain. Over time, more lax controls led to people with less severe pain receiving opiates, like individuals with back issues.

Opiates bind with receptors located in your brain responsible for regulating the way you experience pleasure and pain. That connection prompts the release of a neurotransmitter called dopamine. That flood of dopamine produces feelings of euphoria that relieve most, if not all, of your pain issues.

The problem sets in when people start larger-than-prescribed doses of opiates. They may do it because they liked the feelings it produces or for additional pain relief. The more opiates you take, the more likely you are to build up a tolerance. Your brain gets used to the levels of opiates that come in and stops producing as much dopamine.

You receive signals telling you that the brain needs more opiates before it will give you the rush you desire. That’s typically the start of an opiate dependency that can evolve into full-blown opiate addiction. People often require help from an opiate addiction treatment center to learn how to function without opiates.

What Are the Signs I Need Opiate Addiction Treatment?

Once you get to a point where you feel unable to function day to day without opiates, you should consider enrolling in a substance abuse treatment program for opiate addiction in Tampa Bay. Other signs that you may need help for your opiate abuse include:

  • Trying and failing to stop using opiates
  • Feeling constant cravings for opiates
  • Having trouble sleeping consistently or well
  • Losing a large amount of weight in a short period
  • Having financial issues
  • Always feeling tired
  • Poor performance at your job
  • Pulling away from loved ones
  • Experiencing opiate withdrawal symptoms

A detox program can help you safely overcome withdrawal symptoms. Trying to get clean without professional help could lead to health problems. Coalition Recovery’s detox program offers 24/7 surveillance of clients as they clean their systems of toxins from substance abuse.

How Can an Opiate Addiction Treatment Center Help?

Coalition Recovery believes in helping the mind, body, and spirit heal from addiction. That’s why we provide clients options for a variety of evidence-based treatments. Our holistic approach gives clients the chance to gain clarity on the circumstances that led to their addiction. That knowledge can empower them to make the changes necessary to help clients achieve a long-lasting recovery.

Therapies and services that can benefit individuals needing opiate addiction treatment include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy: Helps clients identify and change the thoughts and behaviors that contribute to their addiction.
  • Accelerated resolution therapy: This therapy uses eye movements to help clients process and release trauma.
  • 12-step therapy: A widely used program that supports abstinence from drugs and alcohol. It helps individuals build a support system to aid in recovery.
  • Amino acid therapy: This therapy involves the use of amino acids to help correct imbalances in neurotransmitters.

It’s not easy to leave an old life behind. Coalition Recovery can show you how to create a better existence for yourself that doesn’t involve substance abuse.

Learn more about our opiate addiction treatment program by contacting Coalition Recovery today. We’ll help you begin the road to recovery with a strong foundation. Contact us at 888.707.2873 or reach out online to learn more.