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If you are struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, beginning the journey to recovery takes courage. It can be challenging to admit that you need help and that you cannot overcome addiction on your own. Over time, addiction causes changes in the brain that make it difficult to stop using these substances without medication and counseling. A men’s rehab center can be the resource that you need to break this habit and rebuild your life.

It’s possible to build a strong foundation for lasting, successful recovery. At Coalition Recovery, our men’s rehab programs target the specific needs of men in recovery. Learn more about our addiction treatment programs in Florida by contacting our admissions team today at 888.707.2873 or by reaching out to us online. 

Why We Offer Men’s Rehabman checks into mens rehab center

Men can face unique challenges on the road to recovery. For instance, while men and women can both develop substance use disorders, men are more likely to struggle with addiction to illicit drugs such as heroin. Single-gender addiction treatment programs can also help men and women feel more comfortable during treatment. Some men feel more able to open up when they are in a group consisting just of other men in recovery. 

Rehabilitation is an important step in the road to recovery for men who are struggling with addiction. At Coalition Recovery, we offer comprehensive rehabilitation services that can help men get on the path to lasting sobriety. Our programs are tailored to meet the unique needs of men, and we provide a safe and supportive environment for men to recover from addiction.

No matter why you choose a single-gender rehab program, know that you’re receiving the highest quality care at Coalition Recovery. Each of our clients receives a personalized treatment program. From detox to aftercare, we offer support, evidence-based and holistic therapies, access to medical care, and nutrition and wellness services. Whether you’re struggling with an addiction to alcohol, prescription pain relievers, stimulants, or another substance, our team can help. 

Benefits of a Men’s Rehab Center

How does our men’s rehab program help our clients heal? This approach to treatment offers a number of advantages. 

First, single-gender treatment programs can offer a higher level of comfort. It’s important to find a treatment center where you feel comfortable. If you’re not comfortable, it will be hard to continue attending treatment sessions, and leaving treatment early can lead to negative outcomes. Our men’s rehab center is designed with men’s needs in mind. We’re proud to provide a space where you can focus on your recovery away from the distractions of everyday life.

You’ll also meet others who have been through similar experiences. Addiction can be isolating. Your friends and family members might not understand why sobriety is difficult. However, in group sessions, you’ll connect with others and build a strong network of support. You’ll learn from others’ experiences and gain perspective on your own journey.

Our men’s rehab center is a judgment-free environment. Here, clients work through the underlying causes of addiction, share their experiences, and honestly address the challenges they’ve faced.

Finally, we offer customized treatment. Our therapists understand the difficulties men can face in recovery. We don’t offer one-size-fits-all treatment. Instead, we meet each client where they are with personalized treatment plans.

Take the first step toward recovery today. Contact our treatment center to begin to heal.

Get Help From a Men’s Rehab Program in Tampa, FL

At Coalition Recovery, you’ll find the high-quality care and consistent support you need to change your life. Drug and alcohol addiction doesn’t have to hold you back any longer. In our men’s rehab center, you’ll meet others who are on the journey to recovery with you. Moreover, you’ll work with a therapist to understand the underlying causes of addiction. And you’ll develop the healthy coping skills you need to make lasting changes.

The levels of care we offer include:

  • Outpatient detox: If inpatient rehab isn’t appropriate for you and your circumstances, our outpatient detox program can help.
  • Partial hospitalization program: This program provides structured daily care and support.
  • Intensive outpatient program: In this program, you’ll attend group and individual therapy sessions several times a week.
  • Telehealth rehab: If you can’t travel to our center, our telehealth rehab program can connect you with a therapist online.
  • Aftercare: You’ll continue to receive support after completing our inpatient or partial hospitalization program.

If you’re struggling with addiction, don’t wait any longer to get help. Therefore, it’s time to take back control of your life, starting today. If you’re ready to overcome addiction, contact Coalition Recovery at 888.707.2873, or contact us online today.