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If you have a stimulant use disorder, you may have become dependent on substances such as crack cocaine, Adderall, cocaine, methamphetamine, or Vyvanse. We use the Matrix Model as part of our stimulant rehab program at Coalition Recovery in Tampa, FL. The counselors at our treatment center combine approaches from cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and other evidence-based therapies to help you restructure and reframe your thought patterns and overcome your stimulant dependency.

What Is the Matrix Model?woman takes part in the matrix model treatment

The Matrix Model is a 16-week program primarily used for those in recovery from stimulant addictions. This highly structured program consists of group therapy reinforced by individual therapy sessions. Originally, the Matrix Model was developed in 1984 in Southern California, where it was used to treat clients with cocaine use disorders.

Early researchers found those who abused stimulants tended to have longer periods of abstinence and a greater willingness to admit to having an addiction. This multifaceted program can be used for many types of substance abuse. At Coalition Recovery, we combine the Matrix Model with drug-specific approaches for cocaine addiction treatment. We have also found that it works well as part of a comprehensive methamphetamine addiction treatment program.

Through journaling, methodical interviewing, and group therapy, the Matrix Model can help you think more deeply about substance abuse behaviors. Many clients have found this useful for maintaining their resolve during detox, recovery, and aftercare.

How Does the Matrix Model of Addiction Treatment Work?

There are four components of the Matrix Model, as follows:

  • Early recovery: When you begin your journey back to drug-free living, you receive the support you need to recover from stimulant use disorders. We create an individual recovery plan for each client so that you can best utilize the programs available at Coalition Recovery.
  • Family education: By teaching family members about addiction and recovery challenges, we can help you maintain healthy boundaries and begin to heal family relationships.
  • Relapse prevention: To avoid relapse, group therapy sessions enable clients to share their success stories. You can also learn from stories that others share regarding relapse and cravings. Our therapists strive to create an environment of continual learning and positive reinforcement.
  • Social support: Social support typically takes place towards the end of your matrix model treatment. At this time, you find new friends and activities to set yourself up for a healthier lifestyle and avoid temptations.

Feel free to ask our admissions staff any questions you have regarding the Matrix Model or any other aspect of your stimulant rehab program.

Other Therapies Used for Stimulant Rehab

Several behavioral therapies may contribute to your stimulant addiction recovery, including the following:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Accelerated resolution therapy
  • Motivational enhancement

We match you up with the most effective holistic and evidence-based therapies for your specific journey. Additionally, you will provide input into the best way to overcome your reliance on stimulants.

What to Expect in Group Therapy at Coalition Recovery

During group therapy, you receive information about how others deal with their addictions. In group therapy, clients learn how to share coping skills, life management, communication, and relapse prevention tips. You’ll learn that substance use disorders are chronic diseases that require continual focus in order to avoid a relapse. Therefore, it’s important to participate in both individual and group therapies to get the most out of your substance abuse treatment in Tampa Bay.

Individual Sessions

Coalition Recovery offers one-on-one sessions in a private setting. In individual therapy, you’ll work to expand personal recovery goals. Individual therapy gives you access to a licensed therapist, who can help you work through mental health disorders that accompany your substance use disorder.

Substance Abuse Treatment in Tampa Bay

At Coalition Recovery in Tampa Bay, we use various treatment methodologies to approach your specific stimulant addiction. This may include the Matrix Model as well as individual and group therapy sessions. Now is the time to reach out for the help you need to finally put stimulant abuse behind you. Contact us at 888.707.2873, or contact us online to learn more about our services and to get started today!