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group at an intervention programMany individuals who suffer from alcohol and drug addiction don’t realize the full extent or severity of their substance abuse problems. For this reason, it’s often necessary for these individuals’ loved ones to stage interventions.

Staging Successful Substance Abuse Interventions

The key components of a successful intervention program include having:

  • The individual’s family and friends in attendance. This provides support for the individual and helps keep everyone on track.
  • A private place in which to host the event. This helps create a confidential and safe environment for all those involved.
  • The individual who is struggling with addiction in attendance. This is essential so that they can understand and commit to the treatment plan.
  • A plan. The intervention should have a specific goal, such as getting the individual into treatment, and a timeline for achieving that goal.
  • An adequate amount of time set aside for the intervention. This allows everyone involved to express themselves fully without feeling rushed.
  • An interventionist. This professional is crucial in guiding the intervention and ensuring that it remains effective and respectful.

The Role of an Interventionalist

Although not required, an interventionist specialist can be immensely helpful as they can:

  • Guide the discussion. An interventionist can keep the discussion on track, ensure everyone has a chance to speak, and make sure the intervention stays respectful.
  • Ensure that everyone remains respectful. Intervention can sometimes be emotional, but an interventionist will help keep things constructive and on track.
  • Help to make the intervention as effective as possible. An interventionist will have experience in helping people struggling with addiction, and can help to ensure the intervention is successful.
  • Provide support after the intervention. After the intervention, the interventionist can provide support to both the individual and their family and friends.

It’s a good idea to make tentative treatment plans for the individual suffering from addiction. If the intervention is successful, this will minimize the amount of time the individual would have to wait before actually beginning treatment. It’s a good idea to make sure your loved one can start treatment as soon as possible if the intervention is successful. The truth is that a lapse of time would allow the individual to change his or her mind. With preparations in place, the individual can quickly begin treatment very soon after the intervention.

At Coalition Recovery, we provide a wide range of addiction treatment programs for those who are struggling with substance abuse. Before staging an intervention, reach out to our team for help.

Learn More About Coalition Recovery

If you would like to learn more about Coalition Recovery, call us today at 888.707.2873. It’s time to take the first step toward a new life for you or your loved one.