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person at an intensive outpatient programA person doesn’t develop an addiction to alcohol or drugs overnight. Instead, the disease of addiction develops gradually over a period of time. As weeks and months go by, an individual escalates his or her misuse of alcohol or drugs. Of course, nobody ever intends to become addicted. However, it’s because of the gradual nature of addiction’s development that individuals become addicted to mind-altering substances unexpectedly. Often, they don’t even realize when they’ve passed the point of no return. When the substance abuse problem gives way to full-blown addiction, they’re no longer able to simply stop using alcohol or drugs. At this point, it’s likely that they’ll need an addiction treatment program to regain their sobriety and health.

At Coalition Recovery, we offer a number of resources to individuals who suffer from substance abuse. While residential care is certainly effective, not everyone is able to take an extended leave of absence from their jobs and families to go to rehab. That’s why Coalition Recovery offers a Tampa intensive outpatient program (IOP) for individuals suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction.

If you’re looking for addiction treatment programs in Tampa FL, contact Coalition Recovery at 888.707.2873 today.

The Difference Between Intensive Outpatient and Outpatient Care

Outpatient treatment allows patients to continue living at home while commuting to their treatment facilities on designated days.

The ultimate goal of an intensive outpatient program is to afford patients with an inpatient-like level of treatment intensity without sacrificing the flexibility that’s a traditional feature of outpatient care. In an intensive outpatient program, patients may attend treatment as many as five days per week for several hours per day. This represents a substantial time commitment. However, there’s still some flexibility with regard to the times at which an individual can participate in these treatments. As a result, it’s possible for patients to continue fulfilling their responsibilities and obligations while in alcohol or drug rehab.

What to Expect From Coalition’s Intensive Outpatient Program

The first step in joining one of our outpatient treatment programs is to complete an initial consultation and assessment. During this time, we evaluate a client’s needs so that we can create a customized curriculum for him or her. Recovery is a different experience for everyone. Therefore an IOP is an integral step in the process that optimizes each patient’s potential for success. After the intake process, the client will begin:

  • Participating in daily psychotherapy and counseling
  • Attending group sessions
  • Benefiting from our diverse holistic treatments
  • Making aftercare plans

During the 90-day outpatient program, individuals will adjust to life in recovery. They will also learn a variety of skills that will prove to be essential to sustaining newfound sobriety indefinitely.

Patients in our outpatient programs can expect to receive comprehensive care that addresses their physical, mental, and emotional needs. Our evidence-based approach combines traditional therapy with holistic treatments like yoga and meditation, which have been proven to be effective in treating addiction. We also offer family counseling to help our patients repair relationships that may have been damaged by their substance use.

Throughout the treatment process, our goal is to help patients develop the skills they need to live a sober, productive life. In addition to individual and group therapy, we provide education on topics like coping with triggers, managing stress, and developing a support network. We also work with each patient to create an aftercare plan that includes relapse prevention strategies and continued support.

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, we urge you to reach out for help. Coalition Recovery’s caring and compassionate staff is here to answer any questions you may have about our outpatient programs. Our goal is to help you or your loved one start the journey to recovery.

Our Intensive Outpatient Program in Tampa, FL is Here For You

Coalition Recovery is an outpatient rehabilitation center with a focus on high-quality, comprehensive treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction. If you would like to learn more about our outpatient programs or to schedule a free consultation for yourself or a loved one, call Coalition Recovery at 888.707.2873 today and take the first step toward long-lasting sobriety.