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woman at a holistic recovery programTreatment for substance abuse cannot be one-size-fits-all. Certainly, different addictions require different approaches, but even when dealing with the same substance, different people can experience better results with some therapies over others. For this reason, it’s important to offer a variety of different treatments to address individuals’ varying recovery needs. A holistic recovery program is the best way to approach recovery in terms of treating patients in an individualized fashion.

A holistic recovery program is a comprehensive treatment approach that addresses all areas of an individual’s life. This includes not only the addiction itself, but also the person’s physical, mental, and spiritual health. Moreover, a holistic program takes a whole-person approach to addiction treatment, which is why it has proven to be so successful.

There are many different holistic recovery programs available, so it’s important to find one that fits the individual’s needs. Some programs focus on traditional therapies like counseling and therapy, while others incorporate more alternative treatments like yoga and meditation. No matter what the program includes, the most important thing is that it addresses all areas of the individual’s life.

At Coalition Recovery, we offer a wide range of holistic therapies in Tampa Bay. Contact us today at 888.707.2873 to learn more about our addiction treatment programs.

The Benefits of Holistic Addiction Treatment

Holistic substance abuse therapy allows individuals to assess and address the side effects of addiction with more than just counseling and psychotherapy; holistic therapy for substance abuse accounts for bodily, psychological, emotional, and spiritual wellness. By some standards, holism is actually more comprehensive than those programs that only offer counseling and clinical treatments in addiction treatment programs.

Increased physical activity can result in:

  • Decreased tension throughout the body
  • Decreased stress levels
  • Improvements in self-esteem and perceptions of self-worth
  • Feelings of greater fulfillment
  • A more positive and optimistic outlook

Every individual in recovery needs to work through the underlying causes of addiction. The disease of addiction manifests differently in every person who suffers from chemical dependence for a number of personal and situational reasons. Although counseling and psychotherapy will remain essential and foundational to addiction recovery programs, holistic treatments are simply able to account for a number of components to healing that most clinical and psychotherapeutic models can’t.

Since holistic substance abuse treatment includes a variety of different approaches, we can personalize treatment to each client’s needs. In our Tampa Bay recovery center, clients receive the care they need to heal.

Our Holistic Recovery Program in Tampa, FL

There is no right or wrong way to achieve stable, long-lasting recovery. However, holistic therapies at Coalition Recovery address a wide variety of needs in recovery.

Our 12-step based program is supplemented with yoga, meditation, personal growth workshops and mind-body connection therapies. This combination has helped many individuals find success in their recovery journey. Therefore, if you are looking for a supportive environment with holistic therapies, Coalition Recovery may be the right fit for you.

If you or someone you love would like to learn more about holistic addiction treatment or to schedule a free consultation, call Coalition Recovery today at 888.707.2873. Here, you can then take the first step toward long-lasting recovery.