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dual diagnosis treatmentNot all addiction treatment programs are designed to meet the same needs. Since there are many ways to become addicted and many possible symptoms an individual can experience after developing a substance abuse problem, it’s crucial for individuals to be able to find the programs that can best address their unique needs.

For those who suffer from or exhibit symptoms of psychological disorders, a special type of addiction treatment program may be necessary, allowing the symptoms of both the substance abuse problem and the psychological disorder to be addressed simultaneously. This type of program—called dual diagnosis treatment—is one of Coalition Recovery’s numerous offerings and might be the program you need to achieve a successful recovery.

Contact Coalition Recovery at 888.707.2873 to learn more about our various treatment programs.

Why Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

If you are struggling with addiction and a mental health disorder, you may be wondering if dual diagnosis treatment is right for you. Dual diagnosis treatment is designed to address both conditions simultaneously, which can be extremely beneficial for those who are struggling.

There are many reasons why dual diagnosis treatment may be the best option for you. First, treating both conditions at the same time allows you to get relief from both conditions. Second, dual diagnosis treatment can help you learn more about yourself and how your mental health disorder affects your addiction. Finally, dual diagnosis treatment can help you develop better coping skills and ways to deal with stressors that may trigger a relapse.

After working with a multitude of facilities, psychiatrists, and LMHCs, we have concluded that addiction rarely happens on its own. What we have come to realize is that consistent use of substances, whether alcohol or drugs, is a coping mechanism for underlying issues.

Our treatment focuses on discovering what those issues are. Treating these issues will in turn effectively address the problem of substance abuse. Of course, we also use behavioral techniques like most other facilities, but at the heart of our treatment is treating the entire self from the ground up. This means treating any psychological complications first and foremost.

Co-Occurring Disorders

Dual diagnosis treatment focuses on co-occurring disorders such as any mental disorder like anxiety or depression along with the substance use disorder. It is extremely common for both of these complications to exist together. Substance abuse affects individuals in a variety of ways. Most of the time, addiction causes a heavy strain on a person’s life and they begin to lose control over their responsibilities or face challenges with their:

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Education
  • Career
  • Finances

Those who struggle with substance abuse are likely to develop anxiety or depression. Chronic use also causes severe chemical imbalances in the body and brain which can produce these illnesses. Even certain drugs like marijuana have been known to induce psychosis in particular individuals after limited use.

There are multiple reasons why someone may have developed a disorder due to substance abuse. It is also very common for substance abuse to be the result of a mental disorder. Those who suffer from anxiety and depression are at high risk of drug or alcohol dependence. They find the use of these drugs more appealing because they can suppress these negative emotions. In turn, an individual uses these drugs to self-medicate.

Our Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program

Fortunately, dual diagnosis treatment is effective. A patient receiving dual diagnosis treatment is essentially receiving the full spectrum of medical treatment. The psychologist will be able to assess the disorder and prescribe medication if needed while the therapist and clinician will work with the individual to adequately mitigate the disease through multiple therapy techniques.

When a psychologist can work in tandem with the therapist (and vice versa), the treatment becomes streamlined and more effective. The most popular methods we use include:

CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy)

This is a type of therapy that helps patients understand how their thoughts and feelings affect their behaviors. It also teaches them how to change their negative thinking patterns and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy)

This type of therapy helps patients who struggle with regulating their emotions. DBT teaches them how to better cope with their emotions and develop healthy relationships.

Trauma-based therapies

These are used to help patients who have experienced trauma in their lives. They focus on helping the patient process their trauma and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

The Need for Dual Diagnosis Rehab

Treating both of these conditions in tandem is essential. Whether you have a co-occurring disorder or not, it would still be advisable for a facility to support dual diagnosis. First of all, a facility with the knowledge and expertise of treating mental health disorders will ultimately be more adept at handling the broad spectrum of substance abuse. Secondly, many people who begin treatment can be unaware of their underlying issues.

Some people have not had a diagnosis or who are unsure if they necessarily need co-occurring treatment. For these individuals, it is advisable to look for a facility that practices dual diagnosis treatment to ensure you are receiving the most appropriate treatment. If you have been diagnosed with a mental disorder previously, you understand the importance of a dual diagnosis program.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Near Tampa

It’s never a bad time to look into treatment programs for addiction. However, if you’re someone with a history of psychological distress and would like to learn more about Coalition Recovery’s dual diagnosis treatment program, we encourage you to contact us at 888.707.2873 today. Our friendly and experienced staff is available anytime to answer your questions, provide information, or schedule a risk-free consultation for you or your loved one.