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We provide the support you need to rebuild your life.

Reach out to our team today at 888.707.2873.

women at a drug rehab programThe drug rehab program here at Coalition Recovery is different than most facilities. We utilize a highly tailored and intimate approach. Here at Coalition Recovery, you and your experiences are not just a number. Each member of our staff takes the time to get to know you and where you are. They will go out of their way to help you whenever necessary. We like to think of our community as a family; learning and building towards a better future together.

Our objective is long-term sobriety rather than treatment completion. We base our success not on sobriety alone but on long-lasting sobriety. We do this by utilizing a variety of evidence-based therapies, each designed to tackle a specific purpose.

Reach out to Coalition Recovery today at 888.707.2873 to learn more about our drug rehab and treatment programs.

Continuum of care

The Coalition Difference

The heart of our drug rehab program is the 90-day program. Those involved in our 90-day program will attend treatment throughout the week as well as the option of being housed in a recovery residence. In our experience, a three-month duration for treatment is the “magical amount.” It allows for a gradual step down in intensity to ensure the greatest opportunity for success. During the first month, clients will learn about themselves and their addiction. It is over the latter two months where our clients begin to learn the knowledge and life skills needed to maintain sobriety and thrive in their new substance-free life.

The process of treatment is not something that can be rushed. It can take many months to fully understand the illness of a substance use disorder, as well as the time it takes to learn new information, skills, and strengths in therapy to live clean and sober. The individual who attends the program at the recommended duration will have a greater chance for success than those who expedite the process.

We pride ourselves in being an intimate rehab, meaning our client to therapist ratio is extremely low (5:1 whereas most centers are 12:1). This gives our counselors and therapists time to truly connect with our clients individually – one of the most important aspects of therapy.

Call Coalition Recovery for Our Drug Rehab Program

Addiction is a progressive and oftentimes deadly disease that affects as many as one in ten Americans over the age of twelve. With drugs like heroin and prescription painkillers reaching epidemic-level proportions, it’s important for individuals in need to have access to high-quality care that can truly offer them what they need to get their lives back.

Coalition Recovery is a new outpatient-based addiction therapy center in Tampa Bay, FL with a staff of experienced professionals who are invested in your success in recovery. To learn more about our drug rehab program or for a free consultation, call Coalition Recovery today at 888.707.2873.