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In the past, treatment for mental health conditions and substance use disorders focused on addressing each set of problems. If someone came in for help with drug addiction, they only received care for that condition and not for any mental health issues also present. Many people are trying to manage a combination of untreated substance abuse and mental health issues, also called having a co-occurring disorder. At Coalition Recovery, we offer a specialized treatment program for those with co-occurring disorders. Individuals who enroll in our addiction rehab receive co-occurring rehab treatment if necessary.

Learn more by reaching out to Coalition Recovery at 888.707.2873 today.

What Is a Co-Occurring Disorder?woman gets co-occurring rehab program

A co-occurring disorder is a condition where a person may have a substance use disorder and a mental health condition. For example, someone struggling with meth addiction might also have depression. Or a person who’s developed a cocaine dependency may also have PTSD issues. Other common mental health problems that are often part of a co-occurring disorder include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Schizophrenia

Thankfully, the thinking around how to approach treatment for co-occurring disorders has shifted over the years. Instead of helping individuals with only one condition, more programs focus on providing dual diagnosis treatment.

How Can You Recognize a Co-Occurring Disorder?

One complicating factor in providing dual diagnosis treatment is that one condition’s severity might be greater than the other. It can be hard to determine if an addiction led to a mental health disorder or vice versa. A person with depression might become dependent on their benzo medication. Individuals in the grips of heroin addiction can end up with anxiety.

Drugs and alcohol are often a go-to for individuals looking to self-medicate undiagnosed mental health conditions. They may not realize why they feel driven to drink or abuse drugs, only that the act makes them feel better.

It takes time and skill to help someone with a co-occurring disorder. Coalition Recovery offers dual diagnosis treatment in Tampa to individuals who need help with both mental illness and substance abuse. Our dedicated staff puts in the effort to understand all aspects of your disease. That helps us come up with more effective treatment plans that give you the best shot at success.

How Can Dual Diagnosis Treatment Help?

Instead of providing clients with only addiction treatment, Coalition Recovery starts with a complete evaluation of everyone who comes to us for help. Our experience helps us recognize when there’s something more to a client’s condition than a dependency on a substance like cocaine.

Once we understand all the factors playing a role in a patient’s illness, Coalition Recovery’s therapists and addiction specialists create a path forward for clients looking to get well. We offer detox services to clients who may still have toxins left in their system.

After stabilizing clients, our team starts working to address their mental health struggles and substance abuse issues. Many clients come to us needing help with a combination of problems like:

  • Drug addiction
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders

Clients learn to recognize triggers that might set off mental health symptoms and make them want to relapse. Coalition Recovery teaches them how to avoid getting drawn into a spiral of negativity that might lead to a relapse. We educate clients on their illness and what they can do to manage the symptoms when they return to the world outside of addiction rehab.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Tampa Bay

You may have trouble figuring out where your mental health issues end and your addiction struggles begin. Let Coalition Recovery provide you with the addiction treatment you need along with mental health programs that can bring you clarity. We offer evidence-based therapy sessions, including:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Accelerated resolution therapy
  • 12-step therapy
  • Amino acid therapy

Call Coalition Recovery in Tampa today at 888.707.2873, or contact us online to learn more.