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We provide the support you need to rebuild your life.

Reach out to our team today at 888.707.2873.

group at an alcohol rehab programAt Coalition Recovery, we’ve created an alcohol rehab program that incorporates every essential aspect of effective treatment. Individual and group therapy, medication-assisted treatment, and a variety of outpatient addiction treatment program options can help you recover and rebuild your life.

Contact Coalition Recovery at 888.707.2873 today to learn more about our alcohol rehab program.

Alcohol Treatment That Goes Further

While we keep our group therapy sessions fun and engaging, our programs are much more than a conventional classroom setting. People here build lasting relationships with others; they build memories and share cathartic experiences that help them grow. The recovery process is more than just knowledge, it is about human connection, building confidence, and finding inner happiness.

We believe our experienced and energetic staff along with our meticulously crafted curriculum has formulated a program that exceeds addiction treatment standards and gives each individual the best chance towards long-term recovery. Coalition Recovery’s alcohol-free program has helped countless break free from the chains of addiction – join the community today!

Continuum of care

What to Expect in Rehab

1. Initial Assessment

Treatment at Coalition Recovery’s Tampa alcohol rehab begins with a medical assessment. This is usually done before you step through our doors to ensure you qualify for our program. Our program hopes to help as many people as it can, but it is not a blanket solution. If we determine our program might not be a perfect fit, we partner with other alcohol treatment centers in the Tampa area that may be more beneficial for certain individuals.

2. Meet the Team

If both parties feel Coalition Recovery is a good fit, we can start the treatment process. This usually begins with an introduction to the staff. It is always a good idea to meet our clinical director, psychologist, and therapists (including your primary therapist) to assure there is a happy and comfortable relationship.

3. Diagnosis

Medical evaluations are necessary to establish a base for treatment. This process usually begins with a physical health examination by our nurse. After this, a psychological assessment/diagnosis is performed by a board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Debra Barnett, MD. Our medical director, Dr. Barnett, holds four board certifications in psychiatry (addiction, general, forensic, and geriatric) and was awarded the “Practitioner of the Year” award in 2018. We are proud to have her on the CR team!

4. Medications

Medication-assisted treatment has been proven to increase the chances of success in treatment. Dr. Barnett is capable of prescribing Suboxone, Subutex, Vivitrol, etc. if deemed necessary. Any previous history of MAT will need to be disclosed and will be factored into your treatment program.

5. Planning a Treatment Program

During this stage, you will sit with your primary therapist to establish your treatment goals and plans while in treatment. We will walk you through a typical day and what it looks like. We will also inform you of the variety of therapy techniques we provide. You and your therapist can discuss which track will benefit you the most. We then employ a standardized instrument test to measure your treatment progression.

6. Attending Therapies

Alcohol rehabs vary greatly when it comes to philosophies. We try to keep things as open as possible to create a program with works for the many, not the few. We have a variety of therapy options available, but the basis of treatment is rooted in evidence-based therapies. We do suggest attending group meetings in the evening, but our treatment does not involve 12-step philosophies.

Our more modern approaches include:

  • CBT
  • Positive Recovery
  • DBT
  • ART
  • EMDR

All of these types of therapies will be the foundation of group sessions and individualized therapies that make up the majority of treatment.

Coalition Recovery is considered a holistic alcohol rehab; therefore we offer therapies that not only help psychologically but physically and spiritually as well. To treat the physical symptoms of alcohol addiction, we utilize:

  • Medication (MAT)
  • Physical therapy
  • Exercise
  • Yoga
  • Art and music therapies
  • Meditation

These extra therapies, combined with evidence-based psychological therapies, can be the polishing edge to help a person come to peace with themselves and overcome addiction from within.

Therapies are less about “What are your triggers? Ok now stay away from those”, and more about “Why do you feel the need to drink?” We attack alcohol addiction at its source by healing the underlying causes of your addiction; whether a previous trauma, depression, PTSD, or anxiety, we can help you come to terms with it. Our goal is to build the mental toughness to attend the party and be comfortable rather than staying away from it altogether.


Aftercare focuses on the individual when they leave treatment. Some Tampa drug and alcohol rehabs do not see an advantage in using their resources towards something that happens after an individual leaves their facility. We strongly believe aftercare is one of the most important aspects to consider if you want long-lasting sobriety, but ironically this tends to be the one feature that many alcohol treatment centers overlook.

Aftercare is an integral part of treatment. For many people, they return from treatment to a life without a job, without money, and/or to a life with toxic and stressful relationships. Aftercare looks at these situations and tries to help build an overall better life to return to. Returning to the same life that led a person to addiction can only be setting them up for failure, but returning to a new life with new opportunities, responsibilities, mended relationships, and purpose will set someone up for their best chance of success!

People in our Tampa alcohol rehab program will work with their therapists and case managers to plan goals and strategies to meet these goals. Goals can include anything from obtaining a diploma, a job, a new skill, or even a new hobby. Individuals develop healthy life skills while in treatment, but these aftercare goals help a person utilize these skills outside treatment. Building a sense of purpose is incredibly important for maintaining sobriety – this is what aftercare accomplishes.

Take Back Your Life at Coalition Recovery

Check out the following blogs to help you in your journey with alcohol addiction recovery:

At Coalition Recovery, we have made it our mission to help individuals suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction to regain their independence. Between our unique 90-day curriculum and our experienced and personable staff, Coalition Recovery can provide all the tools that your or your loved one needs to return to a life of health, sobriety, and happiness. If you would like to learn more about our 90-day alcohol rehab or for more information about the treatments or other services we offer, call Coalition Recovery today at 888.707.2873.