5 Typical Rehab Misconceptions Debunked

5 Typical Rehab Misconceptions Debunked

While in excess of 20 million Americans are struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, it’s approximated that just 11 percent end up receiving treatment for their drug use disorder. Many factors may affect an individual’s decision not to look for help, consisting of incorrect notions about the inpatient procedure itself. With that in mind, let’s take a look at five mistaken beliefs about rehab that hold individuals back.

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Harm Reduction

It is in the individual’s (and the general public’s) benefit to decrease death from drugs, decline rates of extreme infections such as Hepatitis C or HIV, and reduce legal harm connected to the drug trade. Many people may view harm reduction efforts like needle exchanges as enabling the use of drugs, but studies show the benefits far outweigh the cons. Learn the techniques used to prevent diseases and deaths while a person is in active addiction.