person holding a sign striking through alcohol bottles for things to know about alcohol

10 Things I Wish I had Known Earlier About Alcoholism

Everyone reaches a certain age and thinks, “Wow, I wish I could go back in time and tell myself ____.” Many people who used to be alcohol abusers think the same thing about the period they were alcoholics. They wish someone had told them how easy it could happen to them and how they wouldn’t realize how much alcohol affected their lives until it was too late.

implications of codependency

Implications of Codependency

Do you exist without the presence of your family, loved one, or significant other? What can you say about your identity that has no relation to them whatsoever? Are you truly your own person? Non-codependent relationships involve healthy people who exist and have value without predetermined notions from the relationship attributing to such value. Learn how to combat this unhealthy type of relationship through establishing love, value, and ultimately, identity for the self.