no alcohol sign

Stages of Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Alcohol addiction is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, affecting not just the individual, but also families and society at large. Regular consumption of alcohol does long-term damage to one’s physical and mental health. If you or someone you love is struggling with alcohol addiction, hope and healing are always available at Coalition…

man who is a high functioning alcoholic thinking

What Exactly Is a Functioning Alcoholic?

Drinking at social events is so normalized in our culture that we do not notice the signs of alcoholism until it is too late. “Functioning alcoholism” is a colloquial term often used to describe those who are secretly struggling with alcohol addiction, but outwardly appear to live normal, productive lives with an active social circle.…

woman win alcohol addiction needs florida alcohol rehab

3 Biggest Dangers of Alcohol Addiction

The dangers of alcohol addiction are many. Like smoking, regular consumption of alcohol has far-reaching consequences on one’s physical and mental health but their effects may be palpably felt too late in life. Moreover, drinking at social gatherings is so normalized in our culture that some may not even be aware of their alcohol dependence,…

drugs and alcohol compromising this man's immune system

How Drugs and Alcohol Affect Your Immune System

Your immune system protects you against bacteria and germs, helping you stay healthy and well. It filters out toxins and other harmful substances. The proteins, cells, and organs of your immune system interact in complex ways scientists don’t completely understand. However, when you mix drugs and the immune system, you often get results that can…