family gets therapy for addiction

3 Advantages of Family Therapy for Addiction

Addiction affects not just the individual but also the family and social circle. Family therapy for addiction treatment is often a vital part of the recovery process, allowing the client to address deep-seated issues, rebuild relationships with loved ones, and reconnect with the world at large. Often strained relationships and childhood trauma can give way…

woman gets trauma therapy

The Importance of Trauma Therapy Before Recovery

Experiencing trauma can cause anxiety and panic attacks years after the original event. Sexual assault, active combat, violence, and accidents are examples of events that may require trauma therapy to work through. Avoiding treatment can lead to self-medication via drugs and alcohol. At Coalition Recovery in Tampa Bay, FL, we offer dual diagnosis programs aimed…

What Are the Most Effective Addiction Therapies

What Are the Most Effective Addiction Therapies?

For a full recovery from addiction, a combination of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and evidence-based therapies (EBT) is best. While the medications help hasten the detox process, addiction therapy programs can treat any underlying issues and co-occurring disorders, guiding the client to health, wellness, and sobriety. Are you or a loved one struggling with addiction? If…