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person holding a sign striking through alcohol bottles for things to know about alcohol

10 Things I Wish I had Known Earlier About Alcoholism

Everyone reaches a certain age and thinks, “Wow, I wish I could go back in time and tell myself ____.” Many people who used to be alcohol abusers think the same thing about the period they were alcoholics. They wish someone had told them how easy it could happen to them and how they wouldn’t realize how much alcohol affected their lives until it was too late.

5 Typical Rehab Misconceptions Debunked

5 Typical Rehab Misconceptions Debunked

While in excess of 20 million Americans are struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, it’s approximated that just 11 percent end up receiving treatment for their drug use disorder. Many factors may affect an individual’s decision not to look for help, consisting of incorrect notions about the inpatient procedure itself. With that in mind, let’s take a look at five mistaken beliefs about rehab that hold individuals back.

executive drug rehab

Are You a Candidate for Executive Drug Rehab?

People in business, executives, and other professionals often turn to alcohol or drugs to escape the anxiety and stress at the workplace. Unable to maintain a work-life balance or deal with the mounting pressures of deadlines and business risks, they might depend on substances to get them through the day, worsening their mental and physical…