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discussing co-occurring disorders

Co-Occurring Disorders

Addiction and mental health issues are common all across America. Many people experience only one or the other. However, others experience the combined effects of serious substance problems and separate mental illnesses. If you fall into this second category, you’re affected by a condition known as co-occurring disorder. The presence of overlapping addiction and mental…

Does medicaid cover therapy for adults

Does Medicaid Cover Therapy for Adults?

Today, therapy is an essential part of drug and alcohol addiction treatment. In fact, an impressive variety of evidence-based therapies are available. Treatments of this type are the end result of high-quality studies and research. Does Medicaid cover therapy for adults? To fund participation in therapy, many Americans rely on the federal/state Medicaid program. This…

Medicaid rehab

Does Medicaid Cover Rehab?

Drug rehab programs typically provide you with a range of options for paying for your treatment. You may, in fact, be able to cover your treatment costs yourself. However, you may also need financial assistance to meet your expenses. One option in this second category is Medicaid. This hybrid federal/state program can potentially help you…

how to fight addiction

How to Fight Addiction and Win

Every day, millions of people across America fight active battles against drug or alcohol addiction. Some of these people make their efforts on their own. However, others find it necessary to enter treatment programs that support an effective recovery. Which option is better? In other words, what’s the best way to fight addiction and win?…