woman explains the benefits of PHP

Are Partial Hospitalization Programs Effective?

Partial hospitalization programs (PHP) are often recommended by healthcare professionals. A PHP for addiction treatment provides intensive care and support to the client, without requiring them to stay overnight at the facility. As a result, PHPs are cheaper and more convenient for those with family and work obligations. If you or a loved one is…

woman seeking recovery in a non 12 step program

Addiction Treatment That’s Not 12-Step

Addiction treatment and recovery isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Several popular treatment models, such as the well-known 12-step program developed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) may not work for everyone or match a diverse set of lived experiences. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, then Coalition Recovery’s non-12-step programs can provide immediate help…

Woman wondering about the stages of alcohol detox

The Stages of Alcohol Detox

Alcoholism is a slow-killing disease, affecting not just individuals but also their immediate family and friends. To prevent the long-term irreparable damage caused by alcohol consumption, the body must first be purged off of the toxic contents under clinical supervision. The stages of alcohol detox can be quite painful, but with medical attention and close…

man in remote addiction rehab

5 Benefits of Remote Addiction Rehab

The lockdowns and social distancing procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic have made it difficult for people to travel to healthcare facilities such as inpatient rehab centers to cope with their addictions. However, it increased the popularity of online rehab programs and telehealth services that have been proven to be equally effective in addiction treatment. If…

man who is a high functioning alcoholic thinking

What Exactly Is a Functioning Alcoholic?

Drinking at social events is so normalized in our culture that we do not notice the signs of alcoholism until it is too late. “Functioning alcoholism” is a colloquial term often used to describe those who are secretly struggling with alcohol addiction, but outwardly appear to live normal, productive lives with an active social circle.…

woman who's addiction to Xanax makes her think

What Are the Symptoms of Xanax Withdrawal?

Xanax is a common tranquilizer drug, usually prescribed in the treatment of anxiety disorders. However, like with many prescription medications, the body may quickly develop a tolerance to it, leading to misuse and addiction. Quitting on one’s own isn’t safe, as it can heighten one’s anxiety and physical discomfort and in certain cases, may even…

Addiciton Treatment for military Members

Military Alcohol Rehab Center Programs

Veterans and active military personnel are at a higher risk of substance abuse. The violence on the battlefield leaves behind lasting scars in the form of physical injury, PTSD, constant stress, other co-occurring disorders and may even estrange the individual from society. As a result, military members may develop an addiction to alcohol or drugs…

woman win alcohol addiction needs florida alcohol rehab

3 Biggest Dangers of Alcohol Addiction

The dangers of alcohol addiction are many. Like smoking, regular consumption of alcohol has far-reaching consequences on one’s physical and mental health but their effects may be palpably felt too late in life. Moreover, drinking at social gatherings is so normalized in our culture that some may not even be aware of their alcohol dependence,…