drugs and alcohol compromising this man's immune system

How Drugs and Alcohol Affect Your Immune System

Your immune system protects you against bacteria and germs, helping you stay healthy and well. It filters out toxins and other harmful substances. The proteins, cells, and organs of your immune system interact in complex ways scientists don’t completely understand. However, when you mix drugs and the immune system, you often get results that can…

woman gets addiction treatment without stigmas

Addiction Treatment Without LGBTQ Stigmas

Unfortunately, individuals who are part of the LGBTQ community have relatively high rates of substance abuse and addiction. This demographic may also worry about discrimination at potential addiction recovery centers. At Coalition Recovery in Tampa, FL, we have a tailored LGBTQ addiction recovery program where clients receive treatment in a supportive environment. If you or…

man recovers during men's recovery month

June: Men’s Recovery Month

Every June, we join other health and wellness providers in recognizing Men’s Recovery Month. We encourage clients and alumni of Coalition Recovery’s men’s addiction recovery program to promote acceptance of substance use disorders as a mental health concern. By detaching the stigma associated with addiction, you can help clear the way for acceptance so that more men…

woman gets trauma therapy

The Importance of Trauma Therapy Before Recovery

Experiencing trauma can cause anxiety and panic attacks years after the original event. Sexual assault, active combat, violence, and accidents are examples of events that may require trauma therapy to work through. Avoiding treatment can lead to self-medication via drugs and alcohol. At Coalition Recovery in Tampa Bay, FL, we offer dual diagnosis programs aimed…