early trauma in adults

Early Trauma in Adults

Early Trauma and Subsequent Antisocial Behavior in Adults Greg J. Armstrong, LMHC, CAP, CCJAS Susan D. M. Kelley, PhD This study describes the prevalence of childhood trauma and maltreatment antecedents among 111 criminal offenders referred for forensic and mental health counseling. Sixty-nine percent reported such antecedents. Seventy percent had Axis 1 mental health disorders including…

what to look for in a sponsor

What to Look for in a Sponsor

Beginning the recovery process is filled with uncertainty, confusion, and apprehensiveness. Finding a sponsor is the best way to dispel these feelings. A sponsor is an alcoholic who has made some progress in the recovery program and shares that experience on a continuous, individual basis with another alcoholic who is attempting to attain or maintain…